2020.10.18 07:26Nation

巣ごもり需要で冷凍食品が進化 専門家監修の味や高級素材も

 は揚げ物の味や食感にこだわる日本唐揚協会(東京)監修の「海から揚 白身魚のから揚げ」「同 いかのから揚げ」を新商品として売り込んでいる。吟味された塩やコショウを使っており「おかずだけでなく、酒のつまみにも最適」(商品担当者)と話す。

2020.10.18 07:26Nation

Virus Crisis Helps Improve Quality of Frozen Foods in Japan

Japanese companies are developing frozen foods with improved taste and quality, as demand for such items is growing amid the new coronavirus epidemic.
   The virus crisis has increased the frequency of people eating at home due to the spread of teleworking and the trend to stay home. Seafood producers and others are rolling out more elaborate frozen food items, including those featuring luxury ingredients and supervised by specialists.
   Recently, Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd. launched a new frozen food series, "Kyo no Okazu" (Today's Side Dish), in collaboration with Hattori Nutrition College, a culinary school known for producing many food professionals.
   Products from the series, including "hijiki no nitsuke," or hijiki seaweed boiled with soy sauce, and "kinpira gobo," or braised burdock root, carrot and other ingredients flavored with sweet and salty sauce, are proving popular.
   Nippon Suisan also launched new dishes such as "ika to satoimo no nimono," or squid and taros boiled with fish stock, and garlic shrimps, both of which can be microwaved and allow people to enjoy "authentic taste easily at home," a company official said.


