2020.10.12 18:15Nation

日英EPA、23日にも署名 来年1月発効へ調整


2020.10.12 18:15Nation

Japan, Britain May Sign New Trade Deal Oct. 23

The Japanese government is making final arrangements to sign a bilateral trade pact with Britain as early as Oct. 23, it was learned Monday.
   British International Trade Secretary Liz Truss may visit Japan for the signing, according to informed sources.
   If approved at an extraordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, to be convened Oct. 26, the new trade deal is expected to go into force Jan. 1 next year.
   Last month, the two countries reached a broad agreement on the pact.
   Under their deal, Britain will remove its tariffs on Japanese automobiles in February 2026 in line with the abolition of such tariffs under the economic partnership agreement between Japan and the European Union.


