2020.10.12 18:21Nation

大阪市存廃、再び問う 「都構想」住民投票が告示―来月1日投開票


2020.10.12 18:21Nation

Campaigning for Osaka Metropolis Vote Kicks Off

Campaigning started Monday for a local referendum on the so-called Osaka metropolis plan, with voting set for Nov. 1.
   It will be the second referendum asking residents whether they support or oppose the plan, which calls for reorganizing the city of Osaka, the capital of Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, into four special wards. The plan was rejected by a narrow margin in the first poll in May 2015.
   If the plan secures a majority of votes this time, the new system will be introduced on Jan. 1, 2025, with Osaka becoming the first ordinance-designated city to be abolished since the current system of such cities was launched in 1956.
   The referendum, which will be held based on a related law, will cover some 2,246,000 residents of the city aged 18 and over.
   The Osaka metropolis plan was originally proposed in 2010 by Toru Hashimoto, who served as governor of Osaka Prefecture and mayor of the prefectural capital, in hopes to eliminate overlapping administration.


