2020.10.09 18:08Nation

入国外国人、上半期は1200万人減 新型コロナの水際強化で―入管庁


2020.10.09 18:08Nation

4 M. Foreigners Enter Japan in Jan.-June, Down by 12 M.

The number of foreign citizens who entered Japan in the January-June first half of 2020 came to 4,090,291, down by 12,328,491 from a year before, the Immigration Services Agency said Friday.
   The steep decline is attributed to strengthened border controls amid the coronavirus pandemic.
   The first-half figure fell for the first time since 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. In January-June that year, the number of foreigners who entered the Asian country decreased by about 1.3 million.
   The number of foreign entrants topped the 10-million mark in 2013 and totaled 31,187,179 in 2019, hitting a record high for the seventh straight year.
   The total number of Japanese and non-Japanese entrants started to fall after the government tightened border controls in February. The total stood at 77,776 in April, 41,766 in May and 57,286 in June, each plunging over 99 pct year on year.


