2020.10.08 19:17Nation

景気判断、8地域上げ 四国除き落ち込み歯止め―日銀


2020.10.08 19:17Nation

BOJ Upgrades Economic Views on 8 of 9 Regions

The Bank of Japan upgraded its economic assessments for eight of the country's nine regions in a quarterly report released Thursday, citing a recovery from the downturn caused by the coronavirus epidemic.
   The central bank said the economy in the Kanto-Koshinetsu eastern region, including Tokyo, has started to pick up though it remains in a severe situation due to the impact of the coronavirus.
   The BOJ kept its assessment unchanged for the Shikoku western region, saying that its economy remains "weak."
   At a quarterly meeting of the BOJ's branch managers, Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said the Japanese economy has started to pick up though it remains in a severe situation.
   The Japanese economy "will be on a recovery trend, but the pace of recovery will remain moderate," he said.


