2020.10.04 21:19Nation

1422人の情報流出疑い 「ミヂカ」不正アクセス―ゆうちょ銀


2020.10.04 21:19Nation

Info on 1,422 Japan Post Bank Customers May Have Been Stolen

Japan Post Bank said Sunday that personal information on 1,422 customers may have been stolen as a result of unauthorized access to the website of its "mijica" debit card service.
   The bank has suspended the website and plans to contact the customers to check if they are aware of any suspicious transactions.
   The possible information theft came to light after the revelation that a total of 3.32 million yen was fraudulently withdrawn from 54 customers' accounts at the bank in August and September via the remittance function of the mijica service.
   All of the 54 customers are among the 1,422 possible victims of the information theft. Stolen information may have been used for the fraudulent withdrawals.
   Japan Post Bank is investigating related records for the period from late July to mid-September, for which traces of unauthorized access were found. It plans to expand the period covered in its probe and will compensate for any monetary loss.


