2020.10.03 19:56Nation

学術会議、菅首相への要望書決定 会員任命拒否、理由説明を

 学術会議は要望書で、推薦した候補者が任命されない理由の説明を求めると共に、6人を速やかに任命するよう要請。学術会議内部で迅速な合意を得られるよう2点のみを要望する簡素な内容で、宛先に「内閣総理大臣 菅義偉殿」と明記した。(2020/10/03-19:56)

2020.10.03 19:56Nation

Science Council Urges Suga to Explain Appointment Rejection

The Science Council of Japan adopted on Saturday a written request urging Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to explain why he has rejected the appointments of six nominees to join the leading academic body in the country.
   The request, which was formally approved at an executive meeting of the council, will be sent immediately to the Cabinet Office, seeking specific explanations from the prime minister's side.
   In the written request, the SCJ also calls on Suga to appoint the six scholars nominated by the council as its members promptly.
   Takaaki Kajita, president of the SCJ, told reporters that the council has no idea what to do as it does not know at all why the six nominees were not appointed.
   At the executive meeting, it was reported that various academic organizations have shown their intentions to work with the council.


