2020.10.02 16:44Nation

金融庁、東証に報告命令 システム障害、取引停止で


2020.10.02 16:44Nation

FSA Orders TSE to Report on Glitch-Caused Trading Halt

Japan's Financial Services Agency ordered the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Friday to report on the previous day's glitch-caused halt of all stock trading on the exchange, under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
   The TSE will be required to find out the cause, implement preventive measures and submit a report to the agency.
   Using the report, the agency will investigate how and why the glitch occurred.
   The agency issued the same order to Japan Exchange Group Inc. , or JPX, the TSE's parent company.
   The exchange was forced to suspend trading in all listed stocks throughout Thursday for the first time since its trading was fully computerized in May 1999.


