2020.10.02 17:12Nation

コロナワクチン、全国民無料 接種に努力義務、救済制度も―厚労省


2020.10.02 17:12Nation

Japan Govt's Free COVID-19 Vaccinations Plan Approved

The Japanese health ministry received approval from a related panel Friday for its plan to offer vaccinations against the novel coronavirus free of charge to all citizens in the country.
   With the free vaccination plan, broadly okayed by the Health Science Council, an advisory panel of the ministry, the government aims to encourage as many people as possible to get vaccinations in order to reduce the number of severely ill COVID-19 patients and deaths caused by the disease.
   The ministry hopes to have a bill to revise the immunization law enacted at an extraordinary session of parliament to be convened in late October, in order to make COVID-19 vaccinations free of charge in the country.
   The ministry plans to provide the vaccinations as an emergency step to stem the spread of an infectious disease under the immunization law.
   Under the plan, local governments will encourage citizens to get vaccinations against the new coronavirus. Citizens will be obliged to make their best efforts to get vaccinated in principle.


