2020.10.01 17:50Nation

「女性はうそつける」発言認める 自民・杉田氏、ブログで謝罪


2020.10.01 17:50Nation

LDP's Sugita Admits Saying Women Can Lie about Sexual Violence

Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Mio Sugita admitted on her blog Thursday that she recently remarked that women are capable of "lying their heads off" about sexual violence.
   The admission came a day after LDP policy chief Hakubun Shimomura summoned Sugita to the party headquarters and gave her a warning over the remark.
   In the blog post, Sugita said she did not intend to demean women.
   Sugita was reported last Friday to have made the controversial remark at a meeting of the ruling party on the same day. She initially denied that she made such a remark.
   On Wednesday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a press conference that politicians are supposed to accept accountability for their remarks and actions.


