2020.09.30 16:59Nation

デジタル法案準備室が発足 菅首相「成長戦略の柱に」

 準備室長には平井卓也デジタル改革担当相が就任。平井氏は「Government As a Start Up(スタートアップ企業のような行政)をスローガンにした。目指すのは国民を幸せにできるサービスをデジタル庁が提供することだ」と訴えた。

2020.09.30 16:59Nation

Japan Launches Digital Agency Preparatory Office

The Japanese government launched an office to prepare digital reform legislation Wednesday, hoping to establish an agency to digitalize public administration proposed by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.
   The digitalization is a "reform that brings a big change to our country's social and economic activities as a pillar of our new growth strategy," Suga said in a speech to officials at the office.
   He underscored his eagerness to speed up digitalization in Japan, which is lagging behind other countries in such efforts.
   Suga also said the government aims to submit related legislation at the upcoming ordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, from next January.
   "We'll break bureaucratic sectionalism and carry out regulatory reforms boldly," Suga stressed, asking the officials to strive for reforms for the future without adhering to precedents or the interests of the ministries where they originally worked.


