2020.09.30 20:35Nation

東京五輪「制限して開催」約6割 好きな選手は2年連続イチロー―中央調査社


2020.09.30 20:35Nation

58 Pct in Japan Want Tokyo Olympics with Limited Spectators

A survey showed Wednesday that 58.5 pct of adults in Japan want the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics to be held with limited numbers of spectators to reduce coronavirus risks.
   The Tokyo Summer Games were postponed by one year to 2021 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
   In the survey, conducted by Central Research Services Inc., a Jiji Press affiliate, 15.6 pct said the Tokyo Games should not be held, while 11.0 pct said the games should be held without spectators.
   Meanwhile, 7.2 pct said such restrictions are not necessary.
   The annual public opinion survey on sports also showed that 62.4 pct of all respondents are excited about the Tokyo Games very much or to some extent.


