世界最大の絵でギネスに挑戦 英アーティストが慈善事業で制作
舞踏室の床一面に置かれたキャンバスの大きさは、2000平方メートル弱。ジャフリさんは「Journey of Humanity(人類愛の旅、の意)」と題したこの作品で、キャンバスに描かれた世界最大の絵画としてギネス世界記録の認定を目指している。絵画は今週完成、分割され、60枚の額装された作品になる。
絵画は、ジャフリさんのプロジェクト「Humanity Inspired(インスパイアされた人類愛、の意)」の一部。ジャフリさんはこの作品によって3000万ドル(約32億円)を集め、世界中の貧困地域の子どもたちの健康と教育に役立てることを目標としている。さらに、分割された作品を来年2月にオークションに出品し、この資金額を2倍にしたいという。
「想像してみてほしい。私たちがすべての無意味なことをやめ、一つの世界、一つの魂、一つの地球を実現すれば、人間に何ができるかを」とジャフリさんは語った。「自分の目の前にあるものと完全に絡み合って、一つになってほしい」 【翻訳編集AFPBBNews】
UK artist aims to unite with 'humanity-inspired' work
British artist Sacha Jafri paces barefoot back and forth across his giant canvas stretched across the ballroom floor of a luxury Dubai hotel, listening to a young girl singing.
She performed Friday on the almost-completed canvas measuring just under 2,000 square metres (20,000 sq feet), before it is broken down next week into 60 framed works.
His goal is to set a new Guinness World Record for the largest art canvas and raise $30 million to fund health and education initiatives for children in impoverished parts of the world.
The 44-year-old contemporary artist says he hopes to double that amount when parts of his Journey of Humanity work go up for auction in February 2021.
They will own a piece of the largest painting ever created, but more than that they'll own a piece of history and, ultimately, humanity, Jafri, in paint-splattered jeans and shirt, told AFP.
For seven months and at a pace of 18-20 hours a day, Jafri has been working on his latest creation with almost 300 layers of paint, using 1,400 gallons (more than 5,000 litres) and about 1,000 brushes.
It's been a big journey, he said.
It depicts the soul of the Earth, nature, humanity itself, the love and nurture of the mother, the guidance and protection of the father as they guide their child through life and enable them to feel safe, loved and brave, so they can grow their wings, make their dreams come true and take them into the solar system, Jafri said.
The artist said coronavirus has focused his efforts towards connecting people to counter its impact on children.
Children from 140 countries submitted paintings online to be included in Jafri's creation with its eight portals.
I paste those into the circular portals ... I want to take us to a better world through the hearts, minds and souls of our children, said Jafri.
The children's paintings depicted their own journeys, with many drawing a spikey ball representing the disease.
Imagine what ... people can do if we actually stopped all the nonsense and realised one world, one soul, one planet, said Jafri, who has four more days to complete the work.
For the day's last show on the canvas, girls and boys performed an acrobatic, interpretive dance to John Lennon's Imagine, with Jafri on the sidelines giving encouragement.
Completely intertwine with what's in front of you. Become one, he appealed.