2020.09.26 19:05Nation

新型コロナ、交付金継続を デジタル化でも政策提言へ―全国知事会

 提言では、臨時交付金について地域の実情に応じた経済・雇用対策に使えるよう、増額や使途の弾力化も併せて検討するよう要請。各種の「Go To キャンペーン」に関しては、感染拡大時に除外地域を機動的に見直せる制度とすることを求めた。入国規制の緩和は、感染拡大につながらないよう慎重な対応を訴えた。

2020.09.26 19:05Nation

Japan Governors Seek Extension of Coronavirus Grants

Japanese prefectural governors called on the central government Saturday to continue in and after fiscal 2021 its program to provide local governments with grants for financing measures against the novel coronavirus.
   The request is part of urgent proposals adopted at the day's online meeting of the National Governors' Association.
   The governors also agreed to set up a body within the association to consider policy proposals over the central government's work to promote the digitization of administrative procedures.
   They requested the state to consider increasing the amount of the grants and allowing more flexible use of the aid so that local governments can spend the money on economic and employment measures responding to their respective needs.
   On a series of state-backed "Go To" campaigns for shoring up the economy amid the viral epidemic, the governors proposed that areas with a spike in coronavirus infection cases be excluded swiftly.


