2020.09.26 13:25Nation

菅首相が福島入り 就任後初、原発視察


2020.09.26 13:25Nation

PM Suga Makes 1st Visit to Fukushima since Taking Office

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on Saturday visited Fukushima Prefecture, which was hit hard by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and was affected by the subsequent nuclear accident, for the first time since he took office earlier this month.
   The tour is aimed at indicating his stance of attaching importance to the reconstruction of areas affected by the natural and nuclear disasters, just as his predecessor, Shinzo Abe, did, although the Suga administration's policy platform does not refer to restoration related to the 2011 disasters.
   During the trip, Suga visited the disaster-stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. . Suga looked around the power station by car and received explanations from TEPCO employees about the work to decommission the plant and treat contaminated water from the facility.
   "It is a tough work, but I hope it will be done steadily," Suga said, showing the government's readiness to continue offering full-fledged support for the work.


