2020.09.23 19:35Nation

五輪成功へIOCと連携 菅首相、バッハ会長と電話会談


2020.09.23 19:35Nation

Suga, IOC Bach Affirm Cooperation for Successful Tokyo Games

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach on Wednesday affirmed the two sides' close cooperation for the success of the postponed Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.
   In their first telephone talks, Suga, who took office last week, expressed the Japanese government's continued support for holding the games safely and securely.
   Suga said that, along with his predecessor, Shinzo Abe, he has been involved in the work related to the games since the bidding contest.
   Bach said the Tokyo Games will be a historic event and give hope to the Japanese people, who have overcome various challenges.
   Bach congratulated Suga on his rise to office and expressed a wish to visit Japan soon.


