2020.09.23 17:10Nation

性風俗事業者が国提訴 コロナ給付金対象外で―東京地裁


2020.09.23 17:10Nation

Sex Biz Operator Sues Japan Govt over Coronavirus Relief

A sexual massage business operator in western Japan filed a lawsuit against the government on Wednesday over state benefits for small businesses hit by the coronavirus epidemic.
   The business operator in the Kansai region, which dispatches sexual massage workers, claims that the exclusion of sex businesses from the scope of benefit recipients contradicts the constitutional guarantee of legal equality.
   It demands a payment of about 4.5 million yen from the government.
   The lawsuit is the first filed by a sex business operator against the government over coronavirus relief measures, according to the plaintiff's lawyer.
   The plaintiff also named Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory LLC and Recruit Co., which have won government contracts for administrative work related to the benefits, as defendants in the lawsuit.


