2020.09.23 11:59Nation

デジタル庁、年末に基本方針 「強力な司令塔機能」―閣僚会議で菅首相指示


2020.09.23 11:59Nation

Japan to Roll Out Basic Policy for Digital Agency by Year-End

The Japanese government will draw up by the year-end a basic policy on an envisaged government agency tasked with playing a central role in promoting the digitization of Japanese society, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday.
   "We'd like to establish a basic policy by the end of this year and submit necessary bills to the next ordinary session of parliament," which will convene in January next year, Suga said at the first meeting of all cabinet ministers to discuss digital transformation.
   He requested that the government work as one to handle the matter.
   Suga also made clear that the government will work on a drastic revision to the information technology basic law.
   Suga noted that Japan's novel coronavirus measures highlighted a delay in analog-to-digital conversion in central and local government administration, as well as a shortage of related personnel.


