2020.09.18 06:20Nation

菅氏との早期会談に意欲 「とてつもない仕事する」―米大統領


2020.09.18 06:20Nation

Trump Eager to Hold Talks with Suga Soon

U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday expressed his eagerness to hold talks with new Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga at an early date.
   On Twitter, after congratulating Suga for his election as Japan's new leader, Trump said: "I know you will do a tremendous job for Japan and for the world. Look forward to talking soon!"
   "You have a great life story!" Trump also said, apparently referring to Suga's background of having worked his way up to the top government post. Unlike former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and many other lawmakers in Japan, Suga is not the scion of a political dynasty.
   The White House, in a press secretary statement released on Wednesday, said, "The relationship between the United States and Japan has never been stronger," and the president "looks forward to working with Prime Minister Suga to make it even stronger."
   The latest comments from Trump suggest that he is hoping to build a close personal relationship of trust with Suga, as he did with Abe, as a way to reinforce the Japan-U.S. alliance, critics said.


