2020.09.15 16:56Nation

今春卒、内定取り消し5倍 コロナ禍で9年ぶり高水準


2020.09.15 16:56Nation

Graduates Facing Job Offer Cancellations Hit 9-Year High

The number of people who saw their informal job offers canceled in Japan after graduating from universities or high schools this spring stood at 174 as of the end of August, a labor ministry survey showed on Tuesday.
   The latest figure is about five times the year-before level and the highest since 598 then new graduates faced job offer cancellations following the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011.
   According to the ministry survey, the coronavirus epidemic was blamed for job offer cancellations for 104 of the 174 graduates. Meanwhile, 89 of the 174 have secured new jobs.
   About half of the cancellation cases were observed in either of the daily living-related services and entertainment sector, including tourism businesses, or the wholesale and retail sector.
   By region, the southern Kanto region in eastern Japan saw 84 of the cases, followed by the Kyushu southwestern region, with 39, and the Tohoku northeastern region, with 15.


