2020.09.15 17:58Nation

河井前法相、全弁護士解任 過密審理に不安訴え―「百日裁判」遅延か・東京地裁


2020.09.15 17:58Nation

Indicted Ex-Justice Min. Kawai Files to Dismiss All Lawyers

Indicted former Justice Minister Katsuyuki Kawai filed with Tokyo District Court to dismiss all his defense lawyers, following the eighth court hearing of his trial on Tuesday, according to informed sources.
   The move is seen as certain to delay court examinations on the case, in which Kawai, 57, and his wife, Anri, 46, a House of Councillors lawmaker, allegedly distributed cash to local politicians in Anri's constituency to help her campaign for the Upper House election in July last year.
   The case against the couple has been conducted under a "100-day trial" fast-track process, with three or four court hearings held per week.
   A total of 55 court hearings have been scheduled to take place within this year. A hearing with a local assembly member who allegedly received cash from the Kawais was slated to start on Wednesday this week.
   Katsuyuki Kawai is charged with giving about 29 million yen to a total of 100 people including local assembly members and asking them to gather votes for his wife in the Upper House poll.


