2020.09.14 23:01Nation

俳優芦名星さん自殺か 自宅マンションで―東京

 主な出演ドラマとして、NHK大河ドラマ「八重の桜」、「ブラッディ・マンデイ」シリーズ、「相棒」シリーズ、「テセウスの船」、映画では「七瀬ふたたび The Movie」「鴨川ホルモー」などがある。(2020/09/14-23:01)

2020.09.14 23:01Nation

Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies in Apparent Suicide

Japanese actress Sei Ashina, 36, was found dead in her apartment in Tokyo on Monday, it was learned.
   The Metropolitan Police Department of the Japanese capital believes that Ashina committed suicide. According to investigative and other sources, a relative visited Ashina's apartment around 6:30 a.m. (9:30 p.m. Sunday GMT) and found her hanging by the neck. She was declared dead at the site.
   No will has been found, and the actress was not believed to have been dealing with any personal issues. The relative visited the apartment after being unable to contact Ashina.
   Ashina played the female lead in the internationally produced film Silk, which premiered in Japan in 2008.
   She performed in dramas such as "Yae no Sakura," a "taiga" yearlong drama by public broadcaster NHK, or Japan Broadcasting Corp., and the "Bloody Monday" series, "Aibo" and "Theseus no Fune," all works by commercial broadcasters.


