2020.09.13 16:01Nation

電波利用料、引き上げに言及 携帯料金下がらぬ場合―菅官房長官


2020.09.13 16:01Nation

Suga Hints at Radio Spectrum Fee Hike

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga on Sunday hinted at raising the radio spectrum user fee collected from mobile phone companies if their phone charges stay high.
   Suga, 71, the front-runner in the Liberal Democratic Party's presidential election to pick the successor to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, appeared on television programs with his two rivals, LDP Policy Research Council Chairman Fumio Kishida, 63, and former Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba, 63.
   Suga stressed the importance of lowering mobile phone charges.
   "We'll have to review the radio spectrum fee" if mobile phone companies do not lower their charges to subscribers, Suga said. "They make profits through radio spectrum use, so I guess we'd have to take such action."
   Mobile phone rates in Japan are "overwhelmingly high by world standards," Suga said. "Three major carriers have maintained an oligopoly for a long time, and there is little competition."


