2020.09.11 12:19Nation

消費増税、10年は不要 菅氏「安倍首相と同じ考え」


2020.09.11 12:19Nation

No Need to Raise Consumption Tax for Decade: Suga

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, the leading candidate in the presidential race of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, indicated Friday that it will not be necessary to raise the consumption tax rate for about a decade.
   "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said that 'there is no need to raise the consumption tax for about 10 years,' and I agree with him," Suga told a news conference, suggesting that the government's stance on the matter has not changed and that a potential further hike in the tax rate will be for future discussions.
   Suga adjusted his position after his remarks on the tax the previous day sent ripples through the LDP-led ruling coalition ahead of the party's leadership election on Monday and a vote for the country's next prime minister in the Diet, the country's parliament, on Wednesday.
   He said in a television program on Thursday night, "We need to raise the consumption tax after conducting thorough administrative reforms."
   Over the remarks, Suga said at the news conference, "I talked about a consumption tax hike as an issue for the future, keeping the situation after 10 years from now in mind."


