2020.09.11 19:03Nation

かんぽ、来月5日に営業再開 積極勧誘は当面自粛―日本郵政


2020.09.11 19:03Nation

Japan Post Announces Oct 5. Restart of "Kampo" Marketing Activities

The Japan Post Holdings Co. group said Friday it will resume marketing activities for Japan Post Insurance Co.'s "Kampo" insurance products on Oct. 5.
   The marketing activities have been suspended since July last year, following the revelation of sales irregularities.
   For the time being, Japan Post Insurance will refrain from promoting its products aggressively and instead plans to focus on offering apologies to customers.
   The start of full-fledged marketing activities, including for winning new insurance contracts, will likely be delayed into fiscal 2021, which starts next April, or later.


