2020.09.11 15:41Nation

上皇后さま、宮内庁病院に 経過観察で5カ月ぶり外出


2020.09.11 15:41Nation

Japan Empress Emerita Visits Hospital for Follow-Up Check

Japanese Empress Emerita Michiko visited the Imperial Household Hospital on Friday to receive a follow-up check after the surgeries she underwent last year.
   The 85-year-old Empress Emerita left her residence in Tokyo's Minato Ward in a car with Emperor Emeritus Akihito, 86, and the car carrying the couple entered the Imperial Palace in neighboring Chiyoda Ward, where the hospital is located, shortly past 10 a.m. (1 a.m. GMT).
   At the Inui gate of the palace, the Emperor Emeritus and Empress Emerita, both wearing face masks, bowed to reporters who were waiting for their arrival. The Emperor Emeritus visited the biological laboratory located on the grounds of the palace.
   The hospital visit marked the first time in about five months for the Empress Emerita to go out.
   Empress Emerita Michiko underwent cataract surgery on both eyes in June 2019 and breast cancer surgery in September the same year. The follow-up check had been postponed amid the spread of the novel coronavirus.


