2020.09.11 11:54Nation

「GoTo」来月から東京追加 コロナ分科会に提案―赤羽国交相

 赤羽一嘉国土交通相は11日、観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンの対象に10月1日から東京都発着分を追加する方針を明らかにした。11日の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会に諮り、専門家の意見を聴いた上で最終決定する。7月22日に東京都を除外して始まった同キャンペーンは、約2カ月遅れで全国そろって実施される。

2020.09.11 11:54Nation

Japan to Add Tokyo to Go To Travel Program from Oct.

Japanese tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba said Friday that the government will include trips to and from Tokyo in its Go To Travel tourism promotion program from Oct. 1.
   The inclusion will be formally decided after the government hears opinions from experts at a meeting Friday.
   The program to boost tourism demand through state-subsidized incentives started on July 22, covering all domestic trips excluding those to and from Tokyo. It provides discounts equivalent to 35 pct of the travel costs.
   The planned inclusion will come after the Tokyo metropolitan government Thursday lowered its coronavirus alert in the four-tier warning system by one notch to the second-highest level.
   Akaba told a news conference Friday that the Go To Travel program "is originally meant to cover the entire country."


