2020.09.11 17:49Nation

核ごみ調査、神恵内村でも浮上 寿都町に続き2例目―北海道


2020.09.11 17:49Nation

Hokkaido Village Eyes Hosting Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

The village of Kamoenai in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, is considering hosting a final disposal facility for high-level radioactive waste, it was learned Friday.
   The village is looking at applying for a literature survey, the first of three stages in the research process to select the location of a final disposal facility for high-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants.
   Kamoenai is the second municipality in Japan to be contemplating the process since the government published areas suitable for nuclear waste disposal in its Nationwide Map of Scientific Features for Geological Disposal in 2017. The town of Suttsu, also in Hokkaido, is the first municipality to do so.
   According to the village assembly, the local chamber of commerce submitted a petition on Tuesday calling for progress in measures aimed at a literature survey. The assembly is expected to discuss the petition at its regular September session from Tuesday to Thursday.
   The village, located in western Hokkaido, faces the Sea of Japan and neighbors the village of Tomari, which hosts a nuclear power plant run by Hokkaido Electric Power Co. . The plant is currently offline.


