2020.09.02 20:23Nation

地方国立大定員増へ検討着手 年内に結論―政府有識者会議


2020.09.02 20:23Nation

Japan Aiming to Raise Enrollment Limits at Local Universities

A Japanese government panel has started discussions on raising the enrollment limits at national universities in regional areas, in an effort to correct the overconcentration of population in the Tokyo metropolitan area through the migration of young people.
   The expert panel on the revitalization of local universities held its first meeting on Wednesday. The envisioned hike in the enrollment limits is also aimed at nurturing human resources with special skills and expertise reflecting unique features in respective local areas.
   The outcome of the discussions will be wrapped up into a university reform package in December, which will be reflected in a revision of the government's comprehensive strategy for regional revitalization.
   The government hopes that boosting the appeal of local universities will lead to more young people opting to migrate to local areas. About 30 pct of students attending universities in Tokyo and the three neighboring prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa are from outside of the greater Tokyo area.
   The panel comprises 13 members, including its chair, Masahiro Sakane, adviser to construction machinery maker Komatsu Ltd. , Tatsuya Maruyama, governor of Shimane Prefecture, western Japan, and Japan Post Holdings Co. President Hiroya Masuda.


