2020.09.02 20:04Nation

「権力私物化」に共同責任 野党、菅氏追及へ―自民総裁選


2020.09.02 20:04Nation

Opposition to Blame Suga for Favoritism Scandals under Abe

The opposition camp is poised to blame Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, the leading candidate in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's upcoming leadership election, for a series of favoritism and other scandals involving outgoing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's administration.
   Suga has been "always at the center of the Abe cabinet," Jun Azumi, parliamentary affairs chief of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, told reporters on Wednesday. "We'll ask intensive questions" about the scandals, Azumi said.
   "He and Abe can't escape their joint responsibility" for the scandals, the Japanese Communist Party's Keiji Kokuta told a press conference, arguing that Suga "has been playing the role of containing allegations" against the Abe administration.
   Social Democratic Party leader Mizuho Fukusihma described Suga as the "headliner of Abe politics," arguing that the self-interested use of power could continue under a possible Suga administration.
   Meanwhile, Democratic Party for the People head Yuichiro Tamaki said a Suga government could be tough to deal with.


