2020.09.03 01:00Nation

パナマ貨物船、遭難信号発信 43人乗船、1人救助―奄美大島沖

 2日午前1時45分ごろ、鹿児島県・奄美大島西約185キロの東シナ海上を航行していたパナマ船籍の貨物船「ガルフ ライブストック1」(1万1947トン)が発信した遭難信号を、第10管区海上保安本部(鹿児島)が受信した。外国人43人が乗船しており、同本部や海上自衛隊が捜索に当たり1人を救助した。

2020.09.03 01:00Nation

Freighter with 43 Crew Members Goes Missing off Japan; 1 Rescued

The Japan Coast Guard received a distress signal from a Panamanian-registered freighter with 43 crew members when the ship was traveling in the East China Sea, about 185 kilometers west of Amami-Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan.
   The coast guard's 10th regional headquarters in Kagoshima received the call from the Gulf Livestock 1 freighter at around 1:45 a.m. Wednesday (4:45 p.m. Tuesday GMT).
   Coast guard officers and Maritime Self-Defense Force members have rescued a Filipino crew member but the 42 others remain unaccounted for.
   According to the coast guard and the Defense Ministry, an MSDF patrol plane found the Filipino man in flotation gear drifting in the sea and a coast guard patrol ship rescued him. The man is conscious and can walk by himself.
   MSDF members also found a ship which appeared to be a life boat but no one was aboard.


