2020.09.02 11:49Nation

中間貯蔵施設「新基準に適合」 審査書案を了承―規制委


2020.09.02 11:49Nation

N-Fuel Storage Facility in Aomori Meets Safety Standards

Regulators said Wednesday that an interim facility to store spent nuclear fuel in Aomori Prefecture, northeastern Japan, meets the country's safety standards for launching operations.
   The Nuclear Regulation Authority adopted a draft report certifying the safety of the storage facility, now under construction in the Aomori city of Mutsu.
   The NRA is expected to formally approve the report after soliciting public opinions.
   The facility will be run by Recyclable-Fuel Storage Co., which is jointly owned by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. and Japan Atomic Power Co, aiming to start operations in fiscal 2021.
   The facility will accept nuclear fuel processed mainly at a reprocessing plant currently being constructed in the Aomori village of Rokkasho, where spent fuel from nuclear plants of TEPCO and Japan Atomic Power will be transferred.


