2020.09.02 12:26Nation

菅氏出馬、今夕表明へ 8日告示、14日投開票―自民総裁選


2020.09.02 12:26Nation

LDP Leadership Election Set for Sept. 14

Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party decided on Wednesday to hold a leadership election on Sept. 14, setting the stage for the race to effectively choose the country's next prime minister to succeed Shinzo Abe, who will resign due to health reasons.
   The election to pick the party's new president in place of Abe will officially kick off on Tuesday, according to the schedule, decided by the LDP's election committee for the leadership race. Abe last week announced his decision to step down as prime minister, ahead of the end of his final three-year term as LDP president in September 2021.
   Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, 71, will declare his candidacy in a press conference Wednesday afternoon. He has obtained the backing of an overwhelming majority of the party's lawmakers.
   At a regular press conference as chief cabinet secretary on Wednesday morning, Suga said that he will hold a press conference on the LDP election later in the day while declining to comment on specifics. "I will speak about the details at the (afternoon) press conference," he said.
   Voting in the election will take place at a meeting of LDP lawmakers in both chambers of the Diet, Japan's parliament, which will be held at a hotel in Tokyo from 2 p.m. on Sept. 14 (5 a.m. GMT).


