2020.09.02 07:05Nation

マイナポイント、経済効果に疑問 5000円還元、大手クレカ不参加


2020.09.02 07:05Nation

Reward Program for My Number Card Holders Unpopular at Start

A Japanese government reward point program for holders of the My Number social security and taxation identification card started on Tuesday, attracting less than one-10th the expected number of applications so far.
   The program was launched to cut the negative effects of last year's consumption tax hike and speed up the spread of cashless payments. But critics doubt whether it will push up consumption as hoped by the government.
   The program remains unpopular partly because some major credit card companies have not joined the program, in contrast to active participation by cashless payment services, including smartphone settlement and electronic money businesses.
   Users of the program need to select one participating company before receiving reward points.
   The program will provide points worth 25 pct of the value of cashless shopping or charges, with the ceiling set at 5,000 yen per person.


