2020.08.30 07:08Nation

中央省庁、予算編成遅れ懸念 成長戦略、見えない司令塔―安倍首相辞任


2020.08.30 07:08Nation

Abe's Resignation May Delay Budget Work

Japanese officials are concerned that the resignation of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may cause a delay in work on compiling a government budget for fiscal 2021, which starts in April next year.
   The Finance Ministry has given government agencies until the end of September, one month later than usual, to submit their budget requests as a way to allow them to focus on responses to the coronavirus pandemic.
   Government agencies planned to submit their budget requests after discussions with the ruling camp, but the procedures may be delayed as the ruling Liberal Democratic Party plans to pick a successor to Abe in September to form a new administration.
   If the new administration decides to introduce new policies under the fiscal 2021 budget, bureaucrats will have a massive amount of work to do in a short period.
   In addition, there may be a need to assemble a new supplementary budget for fiscal 2020, depending on the economic situation. Abe's successor would face the challenge of supporting the economy while addressing massive budget deficits.


