2020.08.29 07:25Nation

「続けてほしかった」 後任に「実行力」注文も―東北被災地・安倍首相辞任


2020.08.29 07:25Nation

Residents of Disaster Areas Show Gratitude, Concern to Abe

Residents of areas hit by natural disasters responded to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's announcement Friday of his decision to resign with words of gratitude and concern.
   "The current administration supported us well, and we were able to speedily push forward with reconstruction," said Yoshihide Abe, 52, head of a group aimed at reconstructing the town of Onagawa in Miyagi Prefecture, part of the Tohoku northeastern Japan region. On the next prime minister, he said, "I believe the change to a younger generation will lead to good results."
   The town center, which was destroyed by the March 2011 tsunami from a powerful earthquake, has seen major progress in reconstruction, with a processing plant, a train station and other facilities rebuilt.
   "I felt Prime Minister Abe has always cared about disaster areas," Shinya Sasaki, 19, a student of a vocational school, said. "I wanted him to continue." Abe once visited his high school in the town of Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, which was also damaged by the tsunami.
   Tamiko Ando, 74, lived in the town of Tomioka in Fukushima Prefecture, adjacent to Miyagi, at the time of the quake and tsunami. Following an unprecedented triple meltdown at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, which was knocked out by the disaster, she was forced to move to the Fukushima city of Koriyama. "I wanted him to exercise his leadership a bit more," she said.


