2020.08.28 21:49Nation

次期政権に政策の継続期待 安倍首相の実績評価―経済界


2020.08.28 21:49Nation

Biz Leaders Hail Abe, Seek Policy Continuation by Successor

Japanese business leaders on Friday gave high marks to the achievements outgoing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made on the economic and diplomatic fronts, while expressing hopes that the next administration will follow the policies of the Abe government.
   Abe's active diplomacy "has markedly increased our country's presence on the international arena," Hiroaki Nakanishi, chairman of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), the country's biggest business lobby, said.
   Abe "has prepared the ground" for Japan to resuscitate its economy and move toward overcoming deflation, said Akio Mimura, head of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
   "I hope a new prime minister will be elected soon to continue pushing" policies taken by Abe, Nakanishi said, noting that the next administration will face critical challenges, such as containing the novel coronavirus and attaining economic recovery at the same time.
   The next administration would need to adequately deal with the epidemic and build an economic and social system fit for "a new normal," Kengo Sakurada, chief of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives, or Keizai Doyukai, said.


