2020.08.28 18:04Nation

コロナ病床、2.7万超確保へ 感染拡大に対応―厚労省まとめ


2020.08.28 18:04Nation

Japan to Secure 27,000 Hospital Beds for Coronavirus

Japan's health ministry said Friday that over 27,000 hospital beds will be secured across the country for treating patients of the novel coronavirus at the peak of infections.
   According to plans drawn up by the country's 47 prefectures, more than 21,000 rooms will also be secured at accommodation facilities at the peak time for quarantining people with light or no symptoms of the virus, the ministry said.
   The plans seek to balance medical institutions' responses to coronavirus patients with treatments of people with other diseases or injuries by adjusting the number of beds for patients of the virus in line with the state of infections.
   In June, the ministry requested the 47 prefectures to draw up plans for medical institutions to accept coronavirus patients. Specifically, the prefectural governments were asked to secure necessary hospital beds after estimating the daily numbers of infections and patients needing hospitalization, based on two scenarios--one assuming the spread of the virus mainly among young people and the other among elderly people.
   Based on the estimates by the prefectures, the daily count of new infection cases will reach a maximum of 2,788 nationwide. Meanwhile, the combined number of hospitalized patients and people being quarantined at accommodation facilities is seen peaking at 36,556. Of them, the number of hospitalized patients will reach 20,780, including 2,928 with severe symptoms.


