2020.08.28 20:48Nation

悲願の改憲頓挫 機運醸成されず―安倍首相辞任


2020.08.28 20:48Nation

Abe's Constitutional Revision Dream Ends in Failure

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's policy goal of revising the Japanese Constitution during his tenure has ended in failure as he announced his decision on Friday to resign from the top government post.
   Abe's efforts ended in vain despite the ruling coalition at one point controlling over two-thirds of both chambers of the Diet, Japan's parliament, as needed for the Diet to propose constitutional revisions.
   The prime minister was unable to create momentum for cooperation between the ruling and opposition blocs on the issue, as he was hostile to opposition lawmakers wary of constitutional revision under Abe.
   "I will work hard toward constitutional revisions," Abe said in August 2013 in the city of Nagato in Yamaguchi Prefecture, western Japan, part of his constituency. "That is my historical mission."
   The comments came after the ruling coalition and opposition lawmakers supportive of constitutional revisions secured over two-thirds of the seats in the House of Councillors through the election for the upper chamber of the Diet in July that year.


