2020.08.27 19:08Nation

時短要請、23区は延長 小池知事「予断許さず」―東京都


2020.08.27 19:08Nation

Tokyo to Extend Request for Bars in 23 Wards to Cut Hours

The Tokyo metropolitan government decided Thursday to request bars and restaurants in the Japanese capital's 23 wards to continue to shorten their operating hours until Sept. 15 in the fight against the novel coronavirus, according to informed sources.
   The request was initially set to expire on Monday.
   The metropolitan government will uniformly provide 150,000 yen to each of eating and drinking establishments that follow the request and close by 10 p.m. for another 15 days, according to the sources.
   In Tokyo, restaurants serving alcohol and karaoke parlors have been requested to shorten their operating hours by closing at 10 p.m. or earlier from Aug. 3 through Monday. The metropolitan government has hammered out a plan to offer 200,000 yen each to establishments that follow this request.
   As the number of new coronavirus cases reported in Tokyo has been on a declining trend after hitting a peak in early August, officials of the metropolitan government were preparing to remove the request to cut restaurants' operating hours across Tokyo, the sources said.


