2020.08.27 12:49Nation

コロナ想定し原発事故訓練 大飯・高浜で全国初―福井県


2020.08.27 12:49Nation

Drill Held to Prepare for Nuclear Disaster during Epidemic

Fukui Prefecture held an emergency drill Thursday to prepare for possible simultaneous accidents at local nuclear plants of Kansai Electric Power Co. during a novel coronavirus epidemic.
   This was Japan's first evacuation drill involving multiple municipalities based on the scenario that a nuclear accident had occurred in an area hit by a coronavirus outbreak, according to the Fukui prefectural government in central Japan.
   In the day's drill, participants acted on the scenario that water injections into the No. 3 reactor at the Oi plant and the No. 4 reactor at the Takahama plant had stopped due to a loss of external power following an earthquake measuring lower 6 on Japan's seismic intensity scale in the Wakasa Bay.
   In the town of Oi, which hosts the Oi plant, around 50 residents took part.
   About 30 of them evacuated by bus to Tsuruga in the same prefecture. They were seated apart inside the bus to keep social distance, while Ground Self-Defense Force personnel demonstrated how to prevent droplet infections with plastic bags.


