2020.08.26 16:36Nation

遺品ない遺骨、DNAで初特定 タラワ環礁の戦没者―厚労省


2020.08.26 16:36Nation

Remains with No Personal Effects Identified as Japanese

Japan's welfare ministry said Wednesday that remains collected from a former World War II battleground in the Pacific has been identified as that of a Japanese through DNA analysis.
   It was the first time that remains have been identified without personal effects linking them to an individual.
   According to the ministry, remains believed to be from Asians were found on Tarawa Atoll in Kiribati by the United States, which supplied 162 samples to Japan and South Korea in 2019. The ministry used the samples to investigate links to those who lost their relatives in the war.
   The remains are being stored in Hawaii and will be flown to Japan after travel restrictions related to the novel coronavirus pandemic are lifted.
   Tarawa Atoll was the site of heavy fighting between the Japanese and U.S. forces, with some 4,200 Japanese losing their lives there.


