2020.08.26 15:02Nation

高齢者らの早期接種呼び掛け インフルワクチン―新型コロナ考慮・厚労省部会


2020.08.26 15:02Nation

Japan to Prioritize Flu Shots for Elderly, Others

A working group of the Japanese health ministry broadly agreed on Wednesday to call on elderly people, medical personnel, pregnant women and others to get vaccinated for this winter's influenza ahead of others.
   Amid increasing concerns over infectious diseases triggered by the new coronavirus outbreak, the number of people seeking to get vaccinated against influenza is expected to increase this year.
   The plan devised by the working group of the ministry's Health Sciences Council is aimed at making sure that elderly people and others at high risk of developing severe flu symptoms will be able to get vaccinated, as there is concern over an influenza vaccine shortage even though the country has secured a much bigger supply of vaccines than usual.
   Subject to the call are elderly people aged 65 or older, who are covered by routine immunizations under the preventive vaccination law, medical personnel, people with underlying conditions, pregnant women, and children in the second grade of elementary school or younger.
   Vaccinations are slated to start in October, ahead of the influenza season.


