2020.08.25 23:24Nation

安倍首相、28日に記者会見 健康状態説明へ


2020.08.25 23:24Nation

Abe to Hold Press Conference Fri. amid Health Concern

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is considering holding a press conference on Friday, his first in about 70 days, at a time when concerns about his health are on the rise, it was learned Tuesday.
   Abe is expected to answer questions about his current health condition, on top of explaining the government's measures against the novel coronavirus, sources in the government said.
   The last official press conference by Abe at the prime minister's office took place on June 18, the day after this year's regular session of the Diet, the country's parliament, ended. He has not held a press conference since rumors about deterioration in his health started to circulate.
   The prime minister underwent a medical examination on Aug. 17 and again on Monday at Keio University Hospital in Tokyo.
   Some said that Abe may be seeing ulcerative colitis, his chronic disease, worsening. But he has stopped short of giving a detailed account, saying only that he received the medical checkups to make sure that he is in good shape.


