2020.08.25 18:41Nation

33府県でプレミアム食事券 「GoTo」、JTBなど決定―農水省

 農林水産省は25日、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で客足が落ち込んでいる飲食店への支援策「Go To イート」キャンペーンについて、プレミアム付き食事券の発行業務が大手旅行会社JTBなど計35事業体に決まったと発表した。地域限定で購入代金の25%分を上乗せして飲食できる食事券は、大阪や愛知など33府県で9月以降、順次利用できる見通し。

2020.08.25 18:41Nation

Japan's "Go To Eat" Campaign Contractors Selected

Japan's agriculture ministry said Tuesday that 35 entities, including major travel agency JTB Corp., have been selected to issue discount meal coupons as part of the government's "Go To Eat" campaign supporting eateries hit hard by the novel coronavirus crisis.
   Coupons giving users discounts of 25 pct on food and drink purchases will be available for local use from September in 33 prefectures, including Osaka in western Japan and Aichi in central Japan.
   The meal coupons will be issued mainly in each participating prefecture. In the first round of applications for contractors for the initiative, many partnerships between regional chambers of commerce and private companies, such as JTB and Nippon Travel Agency Co., were selected to issue the coupons.
   Applicants from 14 prefectures, including Tokyo, Hokkaido in northernmost Japan and Okinawa in southernmost Japan, were not selected in the first round, but the ministry plans to invite the second round of applications as early as next month.
   In addition to the meal coupon scheme, the campaign will also give reward points worth up to 1,000 yen per head to customers who eat at restaurants booked online.


