2020.08.25 12:49Nation

「男系維持にリスク」 河野氏、女系天皇容認


2020.08.25 12:49Nation

Kono Warns of Risks for Keeping Male-Line Imperial Succession

Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono on Tuesday warned of the risks for keeping Japan's current Imperial succession system allowing only male descendants in the family's paternal line to ascend the throne.
   Speaking at a press conference on the same day, Kono said it would be "extremely risky" for the current Imperial Family to maintain the male-line succession system.
   He indicated that national debate should be initiated immediately on possible ways to ensure stable Imperial succession, including allowing female Emperors or Emperors from the maternal bloodline and restoring the Imperial Family status to those who left the family soon after the end of World War II.
   "Maintaining the male-line Imperial succession system is the most desirable option," Kono said.
   He, however, said that the country should also consider an option of allowing female members to remain in the Imperial Family after marriage as heads of family branches and have their children ascend the throne, or an option of either reinstating former Imperial Family male members or have them succeed the throne through adoption.


