2020.08.21 19:42Nation

GoTo需要喚起、期待外れ 感染再拡大で迷う旅行者―事業見直しの声・開始1カ月

 政府の観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」が始まり22日で1カ月。代金割引で旅行を促す政策で、新型コロナウイルスで打撃を受けた観光業界の期待は大きかったが、夏場の需要掘り起こしは不発に終わった。感染再拡大を懸念し、旅行をためらう人は少なくない。キャンペーンを見直すべきだとの声も出ている。

2020.08.21 19:42Nation

Govt Program Fails to Spur Travel Demand as Virus Crisis Continues

The Japanese government's Go To Travel campaign, launched a month ago, has failed to spur demand as the resurgence in novel coronavirus cases has made people hesitate to go on trips in contrast to high expectations for the scheme from the travel industry hit hard by the epidemic.
   "Travel bookings for July-September are about 20 to 30 pct of the year-before levels," an official of a major travel agency said.
   During the "Bon" holiday period in mid-August, passenger traffic on domestic flights plummeted 65 pct year on year, and that on Shinkansen bullet trains and other trains of the six passenger service firms of the Japan Railways Group were down 76 pct.
   Travel reservations during the four-day weekend from Sept. 19 to 22 "have so far been sluggish," an official of another major travel agency said.
   At the Tsukioka Onsen hot spring resort in Niigata Prefecture, central Japan, the average number of customers per day in August has been at around 60 pct of the year-before levels. "The travel promotion campaign has certain effects, but many people are stopping short of making trips due to the risk of infection with the virus," an official of the association of hotels in the spa resort said.


