2020.08.21 18:38Nation

都道府県平均は1円止まり 最低賃金、16年ぶり低水準―格差縮小へ40県引き上げ


2020.08.21 18:38Nation

Japan's Average Minimum Hourly Wage to Rise by Only 1 Yen

Minimum hourly wages in Japan in fiscal 2020, which started in April, will rise by 1 yen from the previous year to 902 yen on average, the labor ministry said Friday.
   The size of the average increase fell to the lowest level in 16 years, after the average minimum wage grew by over 20 yen annually for four consecutive years until fiscal 2019.
   It is expected to take more time to achieve the country's goal of creating a virtuous economic cycle by raising minimum wages and spurring consumption.
   Minimum wages are the lowest hourly pay that employers must provide to their workers.
   The Central Minimum Wages Council, which advises the labor minister, has recommended keeping minimum wage levels unchanged, citing the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.


