2020.08.20 20:26Nation

最後の「こうのとり」任務完了 大気圏突入、全9機成功―JAXA


2020.08.20 20:26Nation

Japan's Last Kounotori Cargo Spacecraft Completes Mission

The last of Japan's Kounotori unmanned cargo spacecraft has completed its mission after being separated from the International Space Station, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said.
   The Kounotori 9 re-entered Earth's atmosphere at 4:07 p.m. Thursday (7:07 a.m. GMT) and burned up, rounding off the successful missions by the Kounotori series.
   The role of ferrying supplies to the ISS will be taken on by the HTV-X cargo spacecraft, whose first unit is slated to be launched in fiscal 2021.
   Since the first one in 2009, all nine Kounotori missions have been successful.
   The last Kounotori was launched from the Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan, in May, carrying supplies including fresh foods and laboratory equipment.


