2020.08.20 19:33Nation

隣接3町村、慎重判断要請へ 核ごみ処分、寿都町応募検討で―北海道


2020.08.20 19:33Nation

3 Hokkaido Mayors to Call for Careful Decision on N-Waste Site

The mayors of three municipalities neighboring a Hokkaido town considering applying for a survey to host a final disposal site for high-level radioactive waste said Thursday they will urge the town to make a careful decision.
   The mayors of the three municipalities unveiled the plan at a meeting with Naomichi Suzuki, governor of the northernmost Japan prefecture.
   Of the three, Rankoshi Mayor Hideyuki Kon and Kuromatsunai Mayor Mitsuru Kamada expressed opposition to the move by the town of Suttsu, which is considering applying for the literary survey, the first stage of the process to choose the location of a disposal site.
   Kon, Kamada and Shimamaki Mayor Masaru Fujisawa told Suzuki that they will ask Suttsu as early as this month to make a careful decision on the application.
   In response, Suzuki said the prefectural government will closely work with related municipalities on the matter.


